Seafile CLI sync certificate error
If you get the following error while syncing your seafile library with a server using a self signed certificate, you have to add the certficate to your certificate store. Error: urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:581)> Solution: Retrieve the self-signed certificate (usually .pem or .crt) Make sure you have ca-certificates installed apt-get…
Update Seafile Client 4.x to 5.x on Raspberry Pi
To update your Seafile Client (e.g. 3.1.7) on your Raspberry you just have to install the new packages of version 5.x. 1. Download packages libsearpc-3.0_3.0-latest-2_armhf ccnet_5.0.1-1_armhf seafile_5.0.1-1_armhf seafile-client_5.0.1-1_armhf 2. Install packages dpkg -i libsearpc-3.0_3.0-latest-2_armhf.deb dpkg -i ccnet_5.0.1-1_armhf.deb dpkg -i seafile_5.0.1-1_armhf.deb dpkg -i seafile-client_5.0.1-1_armhf.deb As usual: Please, report if you have any issues and also report…
Update Seafile Server on Raspberry
Get link of newest seafile server release from https://github.com/haiwen/seafile-rpi/releases (e.g. v4.4.0/seafile-server_4.4.0_pi.tar.gz) Switch to the seafile user: sudo su seafile Switch to the seafile home folder: cd ~ Download the new release: e.g. wget https://github.com/haiwen/seafile-rpi/releases/download/v4.4.0/seafile-server_4.4.0_pi.tar.gz Unpack the new release: tar -xzf seafile-server_4.4.0_pi.tar.gz Follow the steps in http://manual.seafile.com/deploy/upgrade.html
Update Seafile Client 3.x to 4.x on Raspberry Pi
To update your Seafile Client (e.g. 3.1.7) on your Raspberry you just have to install the new packages of version 4.x. 1. Download packages libsearpc-3.0_3.0.4-1_armhf.deb (Same as in Version 3. Not update needed) ccnet_4.0.6-1_armhf.deb seafile_4.0.6-1_armhf.deb seafile-client_4.0.6-1_armhf.deb 2. Install packages dpkg -i libsearpc-3.0_3.0.4-1_armhf.deb dpkg -i ccnet_4.0.6-1_armhf.deb dpkg -i seafile_4.0.6-1_armhf.deb dpkg -i seafile-client_4.0.6-1_armhf.deb As usual: Please, report…
Seafile Client on Raspberry PI
The Raspberry PI is often used as a server for seafile. For this case there are ready-to-use binaries (http://seafile.com/en/download/) and good tutorials how to do so. Unfortunately this is not the case for the client on raspberry. This article describes how to easily setup the seafile client on raspberry. It is also possible to install…